Moose invites you to get more out of life.
Who Are We?
Moose have fun whilst working hard for the benefit of others. Many of our fund raising events are by way of social events and families are welcome to most of these. Moose International has been carrying out its good works since it was first established here in Great Britain in 1926; Moose have raised millions of pounds in the quest to help others.
What Do We Do?
Moose invites you to get more out of life and improve the quality of your life. If you feel that something is missing from your life, that something could be “Moose International”. This web page will tell you a little about Moose, its aims and objects, its history, the way it is run and the things it can do for you and your family.
Where Are We?
We have 21 Moose centres throughout England and Wales. Find your nearest centre Moose Centres
For more information or membership enquiries please speak to one of our members or contact our head office:
Moose International of Great Britain Association
Phone: 01934 842112